Our Vision

Research and Development Center (RDC) recognized for quality researches and relevant extension services as its contribution to global competitiveness and character formation of individuals and social transformation.

Our Mission

City College of Tagaytay RDC shall generate new knowledge, verify and disseminate information in support to quality instruction and responsive extension services to produce graduates equipped with knowledge and skills, possessing high ethical standards prepared to compete in the global environment and contribute to local and national development.


  1. Institutionalize research in the City College of Tagaytay through a well-structured Faculty and Students Research Capability Development Program
  2. Conduct long-term, relevant and responsive research and extension programs that will be mutually beneficial to the College and the partner communities


  1. Strengthen the research capability of the students, faculty, and staff
  2. Generate new knowledge, verify, and improve technologies in various disciplines.
  3. Recognize outstanding achievements of researchers
  4. Publish research results.
  5. Establish linkages with the community and industries through formation of collaborative projects.
  6. Conduct long-term, relevant and responsive research and extension programs that would encourage maximum participation of students, faculty and staff for community involvement.

Organizational Structure

Duties and Functions

Director for Research, Development and Extension (DRDE)

The Director for Research & Development shall be designated by the College President subject to the confirmation of the Board of Trustees. The Director have, at least the appropriate doctoral degree with an academic rank of, at least, Associate Professor with, at least three (3) years of research and development experience and at least three (3) years of administrative experience.

General Functions

The Director for Research and Development shall perform the following:

  1. Define priority research and development areas and identify projects towards the development of the College and service areas.
  2. Formulate general policies, plans, guidelines and direction that would govern the operation of the various schools within the college and recommend these for approval to higher authorities.
  3. Initiate and administer the planning and implementation of programs and projects designed to promote and enhance the linkage of the College.
  4. Establish linkages with private and government sectors for possible research grants and programs/projects.
  5. Direct, coordinate, monitor and supervise the R&D programs and related activities of the College.
  6. Recommend patentable technologies for application and registration.
  7. Determine and recommend to higher authorities the financial requirements of the RDE and administer the use of the same.
  8. Recommend the recruitment and hiring of the needed personnel of the division and prescribe their duties and responsibilities.
  9. Conduct an annual inventory of resources, on-going and completed researches, and, technologies generated for the development of the college and service areas.
  10. Encourage faculty and staff to conduct research and publish papers in the International Scientific Index (ISI) and refereed journal.
  11. Conduct trainings and related activities to improve R&D capabilities of the division / campuses.
  12. Prepare and submit pertinent reports and recommendation to the VPAA (i.e. monthly, quarterly, annual reports, etc.)
  13. Perform other functions pertinent to RD&E as necessary as directed by higher authorities
Specific Duties

Exercise the general supervision and coordination of all programs, projects and activities of the various units under his/her Office;

  1. Recommend and implement policies and guidelines governing research, development and extension affairs of the College;
  2. Plan programs for research, development and extension activities which are geared towards the growth and development of the College;
  3. Direct the implementation of research and development programs and extension work of the College;
  4. Coordinate, monitor, and appraise the performance of the various research, development and extension units of the College;
  5. Plan, promote, and carry out close working relations with appropriate government agencies and people’s organizations;
  6. Lead in formulating and implementing the research manual of operations;
  7. Facilitate the development and/or revision/improvement and implementation of the RD Agenda and Programs of the schools;
  8. Facilitate the preparation and publication of research journal;
  9. Lead in the publication of results from researches conducted in the College by the faculty, staff and students;
  10. Lead in the formulation and implementation of Faculty and Students Research Capability Enhancement Program;
  11. Act as Chairman of the Research, Development and Extension Council; and
  12. Perform other related functions as may be directed by the President
Head, Research and Development

The Head of Research and Development shall perform the following functions:

  1. Plan and implement policies and procedures for the effective monitoring on policy guidelines on the conduct of researches;
  2. Monitor implementation of policy guidelines on the conduct of researches;
  3. Keep an updated record of on-going and completed studies in the College;
  4. Prepare and submit important documents for the consumption of the College and other agencies;
  5. Coordinate holding of annual in-house review from planning, staging and post in-house activities (proceedings and documentations);
  6. Coordinate with the School Research Coordinators concerning the
    1. Researchers’ submission of progress reports for the purpose of recommending the continuance or termination of researches;
    2. Progress reports on the student researchers and feasibility studies.
    3. Report of respective school’s annual research activities
  7. Consolidate the listed problems and recommended solutions by the RDEC to solve or ease out problems in the implementation of the research projects;
  8. Evaluate workloads of faculty involved in research;
  9. Prepare and submit documents for budget allocation;
  10. Prepare and submit required reports to the research director; and
  11. Perform other related functions that may be assigned from time to time by the higher authorities.
Head, Extension Services

The Head for Extension Services shall:

  1. Assist in the preparation of strategic plan for extension programs of the diffrent units
  2. Prepare yearly financial work plans and accomplishment reports
  3. Implement target plans accordingly
  4. Monitor and evaluate the planned and implemented activities
  5. Coordinate and monitor the extension services of the diffrent school
  6. Document and possibly publish all lessons and notable experiences in their extension works
  7. Submit the required data and other reports
  8. Perform such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by higher authorities.
Monitoring and Evaluation Unit

It facilitates the monitoring and evaluation of the performance and progress of conducted R&D programs/ projects of the College. Specifically, it facilitates the review and evaluation of ongoing and completed projects, researchers’ workload, periodic progress reports, and Annual In-House Review and Evaluation (M&E Flow: Appendix A)

  1. Monitoring provides mechanisms for keeping track of records of all conducted R&D projects, and packages updates on the progress of these projects by developing a data retrieval mechanism on the following:
    1. R&D proposals;
    2. Implemented and completed projects by Discipline, implementing units, i.researchers and funding agencies;
    3. Manpower resource (staffing pattern, workload and performance evaluation, staff development)
    4. Physical resources (facilities and equipment)
    5. Quarterly Physical/Progress Reports
    6. Quarterly Financial Report Funding agency
    7. Mid-Year Progress Report
    8. Annual Progress Report
    9. Terminal Report
  2. Evaluation – The M&E also provides the information on the progress of these projects and the status of technologies/new information generated. Specifically, this unit takes charge of the consolidation and packaging of the College R&D updates

Research Development and Extension Council


There shall be College Research, Development and Extension Council consisting of the RDE Director as Chairperson, the Heads of Research and Extension Units School Research and Extension Coordinators ( SEd, SHTM, SAS, SBM, SSR,SCS, Senior High School) as members of the council for a total of ten (10) regular members.

Representatives from government and private research, development and extension local/agencies may be invited to participate in the council meetings.


  1. formulate policies, guidelines, rules and regulation governing research, development, and extension and recommend them to the Board of Trustees through the President, for approval;
  2. determine the research, development and extension priorities of the college
  3. recommend allocation of funds for research, development and extension activities;
  4. nitiate appropriate actions for the establishment of institutional linkages with other foreign or local institutions for the development of research, development and extension activities of the college;
  5. review and recommend amendments to improve established policies and guidelines for research and extension for the approval of the BOT;
  6. make recommendations to academic council on policies and procedures relating to the:
    1. management of research and development (R & D);
    2. research training;
    3. ethical conduct of research; and,
    4. Professional development of staff focused on research training.
  7. monitor research outcomes, and research funding
  8. coordinate scholarships and grants to research students;
  9. provide advice to the College Academic Council on the development of courses that involve research training and the internationalization of academic programs;
  10. assist the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Director for Research, Development and Extension in the implementation of Academic policies and procedures relating to research and research training and in developing each Faculty’s research culture and performance.

Meetings and Quorum

The Council shall conduct one regular meeting, at least per quarter which may be called by the Vice President or upon the written request of the Director for Research Development and Extension. Attendance in all its meetings shall be required of every member of the Council and only for meritorious and justifiable reasons shall a member be excused from attendance. Proxies may be allowed without voting powers.

Quorum. A quorum of the Council shall consist of a majority of all its members, excluding those on official travel or leave, and a majority vote of all members present shall be required to dispose a question or decide an issue,

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